Tomorrow night (Monday, June 24), we resume having regular monthly meetings. As usual, we will meet at 1900 in our usual place: Beavercreek Twp Community Room, 2195 Dayton Xenia Rd, lower level at west end of complex.
This week’s meeting should be fairly short. There has been a lot going on, lately, but not too much needs to be discussed in depth.
Hamvention was a big event; please be prepared to share any Emcomm highlights in which the group might have interest.
An AUXCOMM course took place May 21-24. We will have a short discussion regarding this.
Two of our members have completed their AUXC Position Task Books as part of the first group of five to do so in the state of Ohio. We will answer questions about what this means.
Be prepared to discuss what you or your group did for Field Day 2024. What worked, what did not, lessons learned.
There is no unified SET theme for 2024. I have proposed that we do a series of smaller exercises during the year and this received positive comments. Let’s get specific about what we should begin planning for during the coming period.
And, of course, I will try to recruit many of you to help with support communications for a number of community events.
Bob Baker N8ADO AUXC
Greene County ARES Emergency Coordinator