GCARES Repeaters
W8GCA 2m repeater: 146.910(-) (no tone)
W8GCA 440 repeater: 442.7250(+) (no tone)
GCARES Winlink RMS Gateway: 445.010 simplex W8GCA-10
D3 Winlink RMS Gateway: 145.010 simplex KD3WCO-10
D3 VARA 9600 Winlink Gateway: 145.030 simplex KD3WCO-10

Net Listings
Nets offer a good way to test equipment and to gain experience in good operating practices. GCARES urges all members to check into nets whenever possible. More nets will be added as we confirm them and we will attempt to keep this information up to date.  Please let us know of any changes or errors. Send the info to the webmaster.

GCARES Voice and Digital Training Nets
The GCARES Voice Net can be heard on the GCARES 2m repeater at 9:00 pm on Tuesdays followed immediately by the Digital Training Net. On the 4th Tuesday of every month, the nets will move to the GCARES 440 repeater to allow us to train and test regularly on that repeater, too. You don’t have to be a GCARES member to participate, but we encourage you to join so that your participation will be logged to your callsign. If you would like to try being a Net Control Station, please contact Lyle Steinhardt. The script for the net can be found here.

Net Control Stations are reminded to submit the GCARES Net Control Log to the EC after each net.

Voice Net Control Station (NCS):

DateDec 3Dec 10Dec 17Dec 24Dec 31Jan 7Jan 14Jan 21Jan 28

Digital Net Control Station (NCS): William Curtice, WA8APB

The GCARES Digital Training Net typically uses the MT63-2KL digital mode (1500 Hz offset) which is a part of the Fldigi software suite that can be found here.

District 3 ARES Training Net
The District 3 ARES Training Net can be heard at 8 pm Wednesdays on the West Central Ohio WC8OH Repeater 145.110(-) (67.0 Hz tone) except on the third Wednesday of the month when it moves to the Miamisburg Wireless Association WA8PLZ repeater 146.820(-) (77.0 Hz tone). For more information, click here.

Ohio Section ARES DMR Net
The Ohio Section ARES DMR Net is a digital voice net at 8:30 pm every Monday on the Ohio Statewide Talk Group 3139. See your local DMR repeater for setup. (The Greene County DMR repeater is N8NQH 444.8750(+), Color Code 13, and uses Timeslot 1 for the Ohio Statewide Talk Group 3139.)

GCARES Winlink Net
To join the GCARES Winlink Net, just send a Winlink message to W8GCA using a local Winlink RMS gateway such as the GCARES gateway at W8GCA-10 445.010 MHz simplex, an HF gateway, or via Winlink Telnet any time on Tuesdays between 6 am and 9 pm. All messages will be acknowledged the next day. Note that District 3 also supports two additional Winlink gateways: a packet Winlink gateway at KD3WCO-10 145.010 MHz simplex and a VARA 9600 FM Winlink gateway at 145.030 MHz simplex. Both sites provide coverage over most of the Miami Valley. You can learn about Winlink and download the free software here.

When checking-in to the net, please use the following format: Callsign, Full Name, City, County, ARES District, State, and How Connected (Frequency and Callsign of Winlink gateway or Telnet). As an example, that would be

W8LRJ, John Westerkamp, Beavercreek, Greene, D3, OH (via 445.01 W8GCA-10 Gateway)

Remember that a Winlink Net is NOT like a conventional net where all participants meet simultaneously.

For Winlink training, click here.

Greene County DMR Net
This digital voice net is for discussing activity, usage, code plugs, equipment, and other questions relating to DMR. It has a net control, so it provides experience useful in an emergency. It is on at 8:30 pm Tuesdays on the N8NQH repeater in Bellbrook, 444.8750(+), Talk Group 310557, Color Code 13, and Timeslot 2. You may also use the new N8NQH repeater on the west side of Dayton, 444.43750(+), Talk Group 310557, Color Code 11, and Timeslot 2. Note that these repeaters may be used by GCARES, ARES District 3, and ARES Ohio Section during an emergency. For information about the N8NQH DMR repeaters and DMR in general, click here.