COML Training Opportunity

Course Title:  Communications Unit Leader Training

Dates:  June 6-9, 2022 (8:00am-5:00pm)

Location:  Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District (NEORSD) 4747 E. 49th Street Cuyahoga Heights, OH 44125

Course Overview/Description:

The All-Hazards Communications Unit Leader (COML) course trains emergency responders to serve as radio communications unit leaders during all-hazards emergency operations. COML responsibilities include developing plans to effectively use incident communications equipment and facilities, managing distribution of communications equipment to incident personnel, and coordinating the installation and testing of communications equipment. Since 2008 the Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) has conducted COML courses across the nation and trained more than 3,900 public safety responders in this course.  This course is designed for all Federal, State/Territory, tribal, regional, and local emergency response professionals and support personnel who have an emergency communications background. It is designed to familiarize them with the role and responsibilities of a COML under the National Incident Management System Incident Command System (NIMS ICS). CISA and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Emergency Management Institute have integrated the COML curriculum to jointly offer a standardized All-Hazards COML course.

Click here for more information and course prerequisites.