1. The in-person meeting originally scheduled for Monday, July 31 HAS BEEN CANCELLED.
2. Quick recap of the GCARES report from June:
We added two members to the roster.
There were 36 net sessions reported with a total participation of 106 man-hours.
There were two drills (Field Day) with an estimated contribution of 500 man-hours.
There was one emergency operation (weather net) requiring 22 man-hours.
Total = 39 events, 628 man-hours.
Greene County hams had a busy month!
3. We plan to conduct fall license classes with sponsorship from the three main Greene County clubs and GCARES. At the end of the program, an open test session will take place. Schedules should be announced, soon.
4. I am soliciting suggestions for scenarios that we might use as training guides for the October Simulated Emergency Test. Greene County EMA does not believe that there will be any significant problems as a result of people coming to the area to view the total eclipse on April 8, 2024 ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_eclipse_of_April_8,_2024). I happen to believe that the EMA view is correct, but what if they are wrong? Preparing for the effects of a problem and running a drill gives us good practice in dealing with a similar incident. The act of preparing for an incident is good training, even if the incident never materializes. It also helps to build a system of trust and cooperation within our organization that improves our ability to respond to the needs of our served agencies.
(Uh-oh, here comes a homework assignment…) I would like all of you to spend a little time imagining and listing the possible problems and how GCARES members could help to address them. A few that I can offer without too much thought: shortage of lodging, traffic gridlock, shortages of food, water, fuel, sanitation. Think about the next level of the problems that might present themselves. If traffic is gridlocked, how could we get to a shelter location? Could we practice having local law enforcement transporting volunteers to places where their help is needed? What services are we prepared to offer? Obviously, auxiliary communications, but are there other non-radio contributions for which we have related experience? Perhaps we could provide the ability to charge mobile phones, thereby facilitating families becoming reunited.
Please give this some thought. Also, if you feel that we should include honing specific skills as part of the SET, please speak out. Send your thoughts and suggestions to me via email and I will compile a list that we can discuss at the next in-person meeting. Think of this as a brain-storming session. No idea is too crazy to put on the list as wild ideas are sometimes the seed that gives rise to a significant concept that bears further study.
5. Upcoming Public Service Events (the ARES District 3 website is always a good place to see the list of events in our area: ohd3ares.org ). Of particular interest to GCARES members:
Monday, September 4, Holiday at Home, 5k and parade, Kettering, Shawna N2TUJ
Saturday, September 9, Young’s Charity Bike Ride, Clark, Madison, Fayette, Greene Counties, (Lots of area + lots of riders = lots of ham volunteers needed), Janese KD8DGB and Bob N8ADO
Saturday, September 16, Air Force Marathon, a huge event–many volunteers needed (currently at 75% of needs), register as soon as possible (closes in August), Bob N8ADO
Sunday, October 1, Tour de Gem, 100 mile bike ride, Montgomery, Greene Counties, Bob N8ADO
(for info, email the coordinator direct or I can relay n8ado@woh.rr.com)
Bob Baker N8ADO
Greene County ARES Emergency Coordinator